Last updated: December 14, 2021

Digital Platform for Local Government

As more and more services are moved to the digital space, both as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and general increased reliance on technology, citizens now expect to have the option to do almost everything online.
Posted by GovOS Team
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The shift in how services are provided is referred to as “digital government transformation” and affects all levels of government, from large agencies serving sprawling counties and bustling cities, to municipal agencies ushering in a new age of innovating to townships, boroughs and special districts.

Investing in a Digital Future

In order to deliver services and programs more efficiently and make effective use of the influx of cash they’ve received throughout the course of the pandemic, local governments are investing in digitizing much of what they offer. This transformation is not only a cost-effective one but critical for meeting the demands and expectations of modern citizens in this increasingly digitized world.

Local governments have made huge strides in bringing services and programs online, but there is still much work to be done when compared with businesses in the private sector. And, while some have faced mounting pressure to move quickly on digitization, it’s important to remember that true digital innovation cannot and should not be rushed. Transforming trusted processes that citizens rely on for their way of life should be done with thought and careful planning, and with the citizen experience at the heart of every decision.

At GovOS, we specialize in providing local governments with the tools they need to meet these new demands from citizens and help them take advantage of the shift.

Citizen Insights Through Digitization

This “digital government transformation” not only benefits citizens, but local governments as well. Digital local government programs and services provide important citizen insights so needs can be served better.

The data a local government can gather from its citizens who utilize online services and programs is extremely useful. This data provides context and feedback that helps the government best serve its people and become more responsive to their concerns.

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    The data is also received in real time, delivered when it is most valuable rather than after a period of time that could render it obsolete.

    Although data like this can be extremely useful in providing valuable insights to agencies, citizens expect government leaders to adhere by clear rules for gathering, processing, and using this data. Collecting data with dishonest or illegitimate means, even with the best of intentions, will destroy trust and drive citizens away from using digitized services.

    GovOS works with hundreds of government agencies across the country to bring a wide array of services online and effectively streamline everyday processes for citizens and staff. Contact us today to discover all the ways we can help your community on its digital transformation journey.

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