Vitals Recording
A Secure, Digital System for Governments to Manage Vital Records
The process of creating, reproducing, and managing vital records can be cumbersome and complicated. GovOS Vitals Recording streamlines the management process of vital records, including birth, death, marriage, and divorce certificates.

Key Outcomes for GovOS Vitals Recording Customers
Flexible. Configurable. Secure. Everything necessary to meet the recording needs of local governments.
Digital Certification
GovOS Vitals Recording includes secure tracking for any record requested and certified copies of licenses.
Eliminate Scanning
Using OCR tools and the latest state system interfaces, the system eliminates the need to print and scan vital documents.
Universal Data Sharing
All of your vital records can be synced with and cross-referenced against state databases.
Any Record, Anywhere
All data is stored in a centralized manner so that it is accessible at any time on any device.
Download the GovOS Vitals Recording Application Overview
Learn how GovOS can help you transform the way your government operates.
The GovOS Vitals Recording application is the easiest way to digitize all publicly available birth, death, marriage, and other vital records to make them available to constituents and staff.
Record vital records in a fraction of the time.
Both digital (data) and physical (security paper) utilized for peace of mind.
Integration with State Offices
Integration with State Offices
Interdepartmental and inter-agency data transfer made easy.
“My team has found using the auto-indexing feature for birth and death certificates to be both accurate and time-saving. We are currently using the Vitals Recording app to record 98.5% of all birth records within 1 day, while our death records are averaging 8 days, exceeding the VSU standard for 5-star status.”
Juli Luke, County Clerk
Denton County, TX
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