Learn how Dauphin County undertook a major project to digitize over three million historical records, ranging from the 1800s to the early 1960s. The effort has made these records available online, providing a
valuable resource for the County.
David Tran
Resources for Local Government Officials
Adapting to Change: Dauphin County’s Virtual Transformation with GovOS Remote Marriage
Discover how Dauphin County rapidly shifted from in-person services to virtual platforms. Utilizing GovOS Remote Marriage, the County managed to efficiently process marriage licenses and other services online, enhancing safety and convenience for both employees and the public.
From In-Person to Online: How Dauphin County is Modernizing Public Services
Discover how the Dauphin County Register of Wills and Clerk of the Orphans’ Court has transformed its services through virtual platforms. By shifting 85% of their operations online, they have streamlined processes, increased efficiency, and enhanced customer satisfaction.
How Clark County, OH Brought Records Online with Staff-Friendly Software and Training
Watch this video to learn how the County Recorder’s Office adopted the GovOS Land Recording solution to improve the document recording and indexing process.
How Franklin County, OH Supports the Safe at Home Program
Watch this video to learn how the Franklin County Recorder’s Office worked with GovOS to implement a confidential document type that enables them to shield domestic violence victims’ personal information from public view.
Blazing a Digital Trail: How Franklin County, OH Transformed Records Management with GovOS
Watch this video to learn how the Recorder’s Office reduced the time it takes to make recorded documents publicly available from 3 weeks down to less than 1 day.
From Filing Cabinet to Frontline: How Franklin County, OH Created a High-Speed Document Processing System
Watch this video to learn how the largest recorder’s office in Ohio uses technology to facilitate the efficient recording of deeds, mortgages, liens, and other documents.
How Bay County, FL Uses GovOS for Reporting & Data Insights
Watch this video to hear why the county selected a software vendor that could deliver high-quality reporting for better communication and a more accurate picture of the local short-term rental economy.
How Okaloosa County, FL is Simplifying Short-Term Rental Identification and Compliance with GovOS
With hundreds of short-term rental properties to account for, Okaloosa County needed a way to easily identify properties and address non-compliance with local requirements. Watch this video to hear staff share how GovOS helps support county enforcement efforts.