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business licensing
Resources for State and Local Government Officials

Reducing Barriers: 8 Reasons to Simplify Licensing for Small Businesses
Learn how simplifying the business licensing process can enhance user experiences, reduce costs, and yield widespread benefits.

The Pros and Cons of Requiring Multiple Business Licenses vs. One Universal License
Many agencies that invest in business licensing software are weighing whether to take a one-size-fits-all approach or require a multi-fold approach to licenses.

Economic vs. Physical Nexus: Should Remote Sellers be Required to Obtain Business Licenses?
Here’s what you need to know about the economic vs. physical nexus debate and what municipalities are considering.

How to Roll Out a Communications Plan for Your New Business Licensing System
Explore these eight steps for local governments looking to promote their new online business licensing system to the community.

Is Your Agency Ready to Invest in Business Licensing Software?
Here are four questions to help determine if now’s the time for your agency to implement business licensing software.

35 Important Business Licensing Software RFP Questions to Ask
For local governments exploring business licensing software, here’s a list of questions to help your agency find the right solution for staff and the business community.

From Athletic Club to Short-Term Rental: An Overview of Different Types of Business Licenses
Business licensing is a complex task, made more challenging by a growing list of industry requirements. Here’s a look at some of the different types of business licenses and permits processed by local governments.

How Permitting Software Benefits Local Government Agencies
With the amount of paperwork government employees process on a daily basis, delivering quick turnarounds for new permit applications and renewals can be challenging. That’s where permitting software comes in.