More than a year into the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARPA), state and local governments are eyeing a historic opportunity to address ambitious goals for their communities. But how can they safeguard against a financial hole when the funding expires?
Resources for State and Local Government Officials
Boone County, KY Launches GovOS Occupational Tax Filing and Business Licensing Portal
First-of-its-kind system in Kentucky automates both services on one platform.
How Hoboken, NJ Brought City Services Online with GovOS Studio
Jurisdictions across the country have seen a sharp increase in the demand for online services. Here’s how Hoboken’s recent digitization efforts have led to simpler processes and improved engagement with the community.
How Local Governments Can Benefit from Automating Business Licensing
Here’s a look at why many agencies still rely on manual, paper-based processes for business licensing and how they can benefit from automating this essential service.
3 Ways GovOS is Solving Occupational Tax Challenges in the State of Kentucky
Here’s a look at some of the biggest challenges holding counties back from going digital and how GovOS is helping agencies overcome them.
GovOS Studio in Action: Gilbert, Arizona
Highlights from our recent conversations with the Customer Service Manager of Gilbert, AZ show three ways digitization has benefited the town.
5 Local Government Cybersecurity Best Practices for the Age of Remote Work
Local governments must balance the realities of remote work with the security of agency systems in their move from in-person to virtual delivery of public services.
How Grayson County, TX Expanded Access to Digital Records and Online Services for Citizens and Staff
With the number of land record recordings continuing to rise each year, Grayson County’s digitization efforts have proven effective at increasing accessibility and improving overall efficiencies within county processes.
GovOS Announces New Partnership with Utah Association of Counties
Partnership will bolster organization efforts to provide access to resources that support engagement between Utah citizens and their local government.